Thursday, 17 May 2012

Ignis Women's 10K 2012

crap picture of the purple corral

Well, I did it. My time wasn't great (1.05), certainly not what I'd hoped. The weather was terrible, at one point it was hailing. I lost my hat. And the post race organization left a lot to be desired (helpful hint: signs, with arrows, are a good thing). But the race? was great.

One of the wonderful things about running is the people you meet. The fabulously made up women who let you tag along with them as they find the shuttles. Lorna who encourages you while running. The older couple who set up their own water stop outside their home - with their Ikea cups! Muhammad Farooq a volunteer from the Islamic Dawa Foundation
( who ran with us: whipping up the crowds with his cries of "Insha'allah! for the ladies ..."

So, yeah. I'll be there next year. It'll probably be raining. The baggage check will remain unfindable (but I have a plan!), and I'm sure I'll get lost in the field again. But it'll be a great day. Besides, I need the T shirt.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Oh no!

I bashed my knee this afternoon. Really stupid - not paying attention and banged it on the side of the bed. I did not drop the baby so that was good. But if knees have funny bones that cause searing pain that ain't funny, this was it. But not funny. It's quite stiff and I'm having some problems bending it. I'll be heating it tonight and hoping for the best. Probably not a long run tomorrow but maybe a couple of 3 - 4 milers in the next couple of days to prepare for the race ( next week.


If I could make a Scooby Doo sound here I would ... huuh?

I really love the poster boards they have here in Scotland. The headlines are often hilarious and over the top.

I'm not really sure what this means or what they're warning against. Gays? Or weddings? And how are schools involved? What about the children?